
Project process

The project is being completed in steps, comprising:

1. Pre-Research: Collecting best practice
2. Creating pilot models
3. Create pedagogic materials
4. Implementation

In addition there are separate work packages for:

  • Management
  • Quality control (Monitoring & Evaluation)
  • Dissemination/promotion
  • Exploitation

Pre-Research: Collecting best practice

The core activity was the building of two repositories: one of relevant literature and one of relevant best practise videos. The collection was approached generously (we found many online videos) but they are concentrated in the summary report (D2.5) where findings were limited to the ten most relevant literature references and best practise video examples to keep it accessible for the stakeholders.

Creating pilot models

We have developed six pilot video models which serve as examples of what can be done within the field of “creative discovery” and “creative problem-solving” for Deaf people. The models address all three target groups: educators for Deaf people (as ideas for what they can do), Deaf people themselves (as motivation to get involved into creating videos) and hearing people (to raise the awareness of the issues of Deaf people).

Creative Discovery (understanding and learning about the communication potential of video)

Beginner example Theme: 10 seconds for your sign 

  • Genre: One-shot video (no editing)
  • Content reference: Creative development of new signs which communicate across countries
  • Goal: Simple exercise to introduce video recording

Intermediate example Theme: Moving objects

  • Genre: Stop motion video
  • Content reference: Including personal hobbies
  • Goal: Understand how still images can become a movie

Advanced example Theme: Deaf Poetry

  • Genre: Music video
  • Content reference: Daily life issues
  • Goal: Support linguistic competence and personal expression

Creative Problem-solving (offering spaces for concrete issues of Deaf people)
Beginner example Theme: My biggest helper

  • Genre: Online video broadcast (Google hangout, mailVU, skype)
  • Content reference: Show your most important tool which helps you in your daily life
  • Goal: To support connecting with people (Deaf and hearing), confidence in communication

Intermediate example Theme: Working with me

  • Genre: Photo story video
  • Content reference: World of work
  • Goal: Raising awareness of and showing potential problems at work

Advanced example Theme: Barrier free life?

  • Genre: Video documentary
  • Content reference: issues of daily life
  • Goal: Raising awareness among hearing people and supporting each other in issues of daily life

Create pedagogic materials

The pedagogic materials address primarily educators working with Deaf people and offer clear ideas how the creative use of video can be implemented within education. The material is very visual and less text based to accommodate the interest of the Deaf community for less written words.

Booklet text (translated into German, English, Spanish and Slovenian)
• Video tutorials


Training sessions will support the implementation and will make sure that there will be a substantial impact. Deaf people themselves can take part especially in the workshops in the partner institutions. We will offer a special online course in visual language as an experimental event.